RDN Emeritus
Sharon Sass, RDN
Experienced Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
RDN Emeritus
Sharon Sass, RDN
Experienced Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
During my years in State Service, I have had the opportunity to work on a number of amazing public health nutrition programs and initiatives like promoting breastfeeding, reducing cholesterol, preventing cancer, lowering blood pressure, increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and training students to become Registered Dietitians.
Now that I am retired, I will focus on improving food security; promoting healthy eating and culinary skills;
digging deeper into medical nutrition therapy for people with Parkinson's disease, celiac disease, and diabetes;
and gaining more knowledge on diets for breast cancer survivors.
Greatest Retirement Gift
Greatest Retirement Gift
Chris Sass and Nicole Dragisics gave me the greatest retirement gift sent all the way from Hawaii. A "Food and Nutrition Through the Years" double lei. Check out the video and the pictures below to see this special gift.

As a public health nutritionist, I relied on federal dietary guidance throughout my career. Chris and Nicole researched diet recommendations from 1916 through 2020 when I retired. My special double lei takes me on a journey starting with federal bulletins on what to eat, through the seven food groups, on to the five and four food groups, the food guide pyramids, and all the way to MyPlate where we are today. Researching and assembling the amazing food models took a lot of attention to detail.
Chris and me modeling my wonderful double lei!
Recipes and Cookbooks
Recipes and Cookbooks
Spending more time in my kitchen and trying new recipes are on my list of retirement goals.
So is organizing my cookbooks and picking recipes to try from a different cookbook each week.
I especially love cookbooks by other Registered Dietitian Nutritionists.
Check out what I'm reading and cooking this week.
Spending more time in my kitchen and trying new recipes are on my list of retirement goals.
So is organizing my cookbooks and picking recipes to try from a different cookbook each week.
I especially love cookbooks by other Registered Dietitian Nutritionists.
Check out what I'm reading and cooking this week.

Throwback Thursday
Nutrition Services in Arizona
Throwback Thursday
Nutrition Services in Arizona
Nutrition services in Arizona has a rich history. Check often for fun items featuring Arizona Grown/5 a Day for Better Health, Bobby B. Well, Breastfeeding Promotion efforts and more. Here is the first Arizona Diet Manual published in 1967. It features diet patterns for
Arizona's tribal communities.