Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday

Honk if You Eat 5 a Day
Honk if You Eat 5 a Day
The Arizona Department of Health Services produced this bumper sticker, "Honk if You Eat 5 A Day", to give to third graders participating in 5 a Day classes throughout the state. The design was from a third grader in Coconino County who participated in a coloring contest.
Arizona Nutrition Network
Champions for Change
Arizona Nutrition Network
Champions for Change
Check out this Champion for Change placement produced by the Arizona Nutrition Network. It is not dated but probably was distributed to Food Stamp eligible families around 2008 or so. As the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (SNAP-Ed) became the premier obesity prevention program for low income families in Arizona, the name has changed to the AZ Health Zone. Take a look at their website to find out about the work they are doing in direct education as well as policy, systems, and environmental change to create healthy communities all throughout our state.
One amazing resource the AZ Health Zone offers is The Language of Health Style Guide. It is useful to everyone working to promote healthy eating and active living and features common language that will be most effective in promoting behavior change. It was written for the Az Health Zone by AzAND member, Cori Lortz.

Action in the eighties
Action in the eighties
Arizona Dietetic Association Annual Meeting
May 13-15, 1982
Tucson, Arizona

"Action for the 80s" was the theme of the Arizona Dietetic Association Annual Meeting held at the Tucson Community Center in 1982. An outstanding slate of speakers featured national experts as well as impressive presenters from Arizona. Winning student awards that year were Sheila Sedig from the University of Arizona, Janice Kraemer from Arizona State University, and Steven Yannnicelli from Northern Arizona University. I recall the "whoop It Up... Stomp Your Feet" Awards Night at Old Tucson with "Dinner, Dance, and Good Fellowship" as a quite a night and a lot of fun.
Saturday, May 15 Workshop
Doris Derelian, M.S., R.D.
Workshop Leader
Saturday, May 15 Workshop
Doris Derelian, M.S., R.D.
Workshop Leader
Client Instruction: Moment by Moment
(a workshop to improve counseling skills)

AzDA Executive Board 1990-91
AzDA Executive Board 1990-91
Here is a special Throwback Thursday gem with thanks going to Ling Patty who was our AzAND President in 1990-91 for sharing this picture.

Arizona Diet Manual
Nursing Homes and Small Hospitals
Arizona Diet Manual
Nursing Homes and Small Hospitals
The first Arizona Diet Manual was published in 1967 jointly by the Arizona Dietetic Association and the Arizona State Department of Health. It included diet patterns for tribal communities in Arizona.